Lynette Pate



Lynnette is a long distance cyclist and student of natural & holistic health care.
 She became educated by progressive healing experts Dr. Ramah Wagner and Dr. Debra Clarke after two near death experiences of her son. He had 27 surgeries over the course of 15 years.

She is the author of a series of books “Lose Weight…the Pate Weigh,” her second book: “Fuel for the Body,” and her third: “This Book is Intended to be Read…What the Food Industry and Government Have been Hiding from You" and "What Does GOD Have to Say About Nourishing Our Bodies"?

“The company I found that best meets my strict standards for over 6 years now is Ecco Bella . Therefore, if you do not feel you can 'make your own', then Ecco Bella is the top choice for skin care. For those of you who want a 'face in a bottle' try their water-free skin care with VitaminCells, I love the Night Rebuilder . I use their Revitalize over my coconut oil or my avocado oil. I also use their FlowerColor Vitamin E Lip Smoothers for my lip needs.” - Lynette